How can an 18-year-old guy get into computer stuff like coding or blogging? It's pretty common to see kids who are super into this stuff and already really good at it. They teach themselves programming and all that and get famous worldwide. I think if you want to be really good at something, you gotta be passionate about it and really interested in it. So, for this guy, getting started just means diving in and learning what he loves.

In my case, things were different. I wasn't really into computers when I was younger because I spent most of my time playing sports and studying. Even though I had a pretty decent laptop about a decade ago, I did nothing specifically to learn tech. Plus, computer education wasn't as advanced back then. They focused more on theory than hands-on stuff. I remember feeling like we didn't spend enough time in the computer lab to really learn everything we needed to .. 

Anyway, like I was saying, I didn't know much about computer hardware either. All I did with my PC was play games, watch movies, and plug in pen drives from anywhere without thinking about viruses. I guess I was pretty clueless back then. Even though I never learned about computers during school, the sad part is, I never really tried to learn because I never imagined I'd become so interested in them one day.

Rohan Rajbanshi

But, as I grew during my school days, there was one guy who was atleast better than me in computer, Rohan Rajbanshi; my first computer motivation. It was all from him I learned some basics about computer. By the time my basic schooling was over(till Grade 10), I ended up having some basic computer knowledge.

Now, for an upgrade: in high school, I chose the Science faculty and decided to dive into computer studies. Looking back, it was the smartest choice I ever made. I met this guy, Samir Dahal, who had this captivating personality and, most importantly, a deep passion for computers and programming. And you know what? He became a major reason for me to get into computers too.
First off, I had to study computer subjects as part of my high school curriculum. Then, there was Samir. He was way ahead of me in this field, and as we got closer over time, my interest in computers grew even more. I started learning about computers from books and, also from Samir. I was particularly fascinated by HTML when I first tried it out in the computer lab. And guess who introduced me to even more about HTML and then CSS?....
Yep, you guessed it - Samir Dahal.

Samir Dahal

Gradually, my interest grew up towards web development. I started feeling good when I was in front of computer. Now with the increasing hours of using computer, I became more friendly with the computer terms, internet and all. Today, any doubt I have about computer, Samir is my first source of solution.

And that's how my story began from nothing to something. Nothing for I had no interest at computer and something for I ended up growing interest, atleast, towards it. Currently, I am learning everything I find interesting, programming language or about computer terms.

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